Legal information

The company :
The site is operated by SRL REFRIGO under the trade name Refrigo. Refrigo’s core business is the maintenance and repair of refrigeration systems.

Url of the site :

Head office :

Rue de Robiano, 1030 Schaerbeek

VAT number :
VAT : BE0786.630.111

Legal representative :
Mr Mikail Kaya

Contact of the publication manager :

Editorial design, content strategy :
Mr Yavuz Ak

Mr Yavuz Ak

Hosting :
The site is hosted by Hostinger.

Hyperlinks :
Refrigo authorizes any Internet site or any other medium to quote the site or to set up a hypertext link pointing to the address: https: //

Copyright :
All images used on our site are free of copyright. The images of our cleaning products are our own creation and no re-use of them will be tolerated.

Information on online dispute resolution in accordance with art. 14 paragr. 1 of RLL (Online Dispute Resolution) :
The European Commission allows consumers to resolve online disputes on one of its platforms, in accordance with art. 14 paragr. 1 of the RLL. The platform( acts as a site where consumers can try to settle out-of-court disputes arising from the purchase of goods or services online.